BA Translation
Cardiff, Verenigd Koninkrijk
3 Years
Full time
Sep 2025
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Loans and Grants
Financial support information for students.
We wish to ensure that financial circumstances are not a barrier to your undergraduate study opportunities.
We wish to recruit the very best students and to help us achieve this, we offer a number of scholarships.
Part-time Undergraduate Funding
Information about funding for part-time students.
Financial Support for Asylum Seekers
Information for asylum seekers about the financial support we offer undergraduates and options for funding from outside the University.
De BA Vertalen is een 3-jarige opleiding. Gedurende de opleiding verwerf je taal- en vertaalcompetenties op hoog niveau, evenals de vaardigheden om een onafhankelijke en kritische denker te worden, uitgerust voor professioneel werk.
In each year of the programme, you’ll study 120 credits from a selection of 30-credit modules.
The modules shown are an example of the typical curriculum and will be reviewed prior to the 2025/2026 academic year. The final modules will be published by September 2025.
Year One
You’ll combine translation with one or 2 modern languages, allowing you to pursue 2 complementary fields of study.
You’ll study 2 bespoke translation modules and complement these subjects by studying one or 2 languages.
The first year of this program provides a thorough foundation in the grammar of the language for those students on the Elementary Pathway and develops the linguistic skills for post-A-level students on the Upper Elementary Pathway.
If you focus on one language in your degree, you’ll also study a corresponding module which introduces you to the histories, cultures and societies of the countries and regions where your chosen language is spoken.
Core Modules for Year One
- Introduction to Translation Methods
- Introduction to Translation Theory
Optional Modules for Year One
- Spanish Upper Elementary
- Spanish Elementary
- Portuguese Language for Heritage Learners
- Portuguese Upper Elementary
- Portuguese Elementary
- French Upper Elementary
- French Elementary
- German Upper Elementary
- German Elementary
- Italian Upper Elementary
- Italian Elementary
- Introduction to Hispanic Studies
- Introduction to the Portuguese-Speaking World
- Introduction to French and Francophone Studies
- Introduction to German Studies
- Introduction to Italian Studies
Year Two
In the second year, you’ll continue with 2 dedicated translation modules, as well as advancing further your skills in one or 2 languages.
You’ll expand your knowledge of translation methods and professional practices from year 1, examining specialised texts and terminology in such fields as, for example, law, medicine or literature. You’ll delve deeper into discussions about translation, in academia and beyond.
You’ll also continue your language journey, studying one or 2 language modules.
If you started with 2 languages in year 1 but decide to continue with only one of them in your second year, our programme offers you the flexibility to concentrate on one language only from year 2.
If you choose the single language Pathway, you’ll study a corresponding module that explores the world and language of business, or a module that sheds light on the histories, cultures and societies of the regions where the language is spoken. Looking at these countries in a global context, you’ll develop a more advanced and critical awareness of how these linguistic and geographic regions have shaped and been shaped by other cultures, global developments and events.
Outside of your formal studies, you’ll have the opportunity to take part in our Student Mentoring Scheme, supported by the Welsh Assembly Government. The scheme allows our specially trained undergraduate students to go into secondary schools to mentor pupils in small groups over a period of five weeks.
You may also choose to take part in the Student Language Ambassador (SLA) scheme, acting as an advocate for language learning. Following specific training, as a language ambassador, you may get the opportunity to speak publicly at events, sharing your personal experience of language and translation learning. You may take part in a range of activities, such as language and translation taster sessions, supporting school language days and events, or promoting modern languages and translation at career fairs or open days.
Core Modules for Year Two
- Principles of Translation Theory
- Introduction to Specialised Translation
Optional Modules for Year Two
- Spanish Intermediate
- Spanish Upper-Intermediate
- Portuguese Intermediate
- Portuguese Upper-Intermediate
- French Intermediate
- French Upper-Intermediate
- German Intermediate
- German Upper-Intermediate
- Italian Intermediate
- Italian Upper-Intermediate
- Hispanidad in the World
- The World and Language of Business (Spanish Intermediate)
- The World and Language of Business (Spanish Upper Intermediate)
- Introduction to Catalan Language & Culture
- The Portuguese-Speaking World in a Global Context
- The World and Language of Business (Portuguese)
- Global France: French and Francophone Cultures
- The World and Language of Business (French Intermediate)
- The World and Language of Business (French Upper Intermediate)
- Germany in the World
- The World and Language of Business (German Intermediate)
- The World and Language of Business (German Upper Intermediate)
- Italy in the World
- The World and Language of Business (Italian)
Year Three
In your third and final year, you’ll study one core translation module, further hone your language skills and follow your interests by studying another module of your choice.
You’ll reflect on translation research and resources, gain training in translation technology and get valuable advice on handling the real-life challenges of the translation industry, such as managing translation projects, ensuring ethical and professional conduct, developing and maintaining networks, and marketing oneself as a translator. You’ll also continue to perfect your language skills, studying one or 2 Advanced language modules.
In addition, you’ll choose one or 2 optional modules depending on how many language modules you study. One possibility is to write a Dissertation or an Annotated Translation Project, which allows you to conduct in-depth research or complete an extended translation with an analytical commentary. Past topics by our students range from translating medical texts, children’s tales or African literature, to subtitling TED talks, scrutinising news translation and analysing LGBTQ+ themes in translated manga.
You’ll also have the chance to expand your skill base and horizons through optional cultural-historical modules and through a wealth of extra-curricular options. Final year themes and topics may include literature, film and visual culture, history, colonialism and gender studies. The range will vary depending on whether you are studying one language or 2.
Furthermore, you may also take part in our very popular teaching module, during which you’ll undertake a teaching placement at one of our partner schools in the area.
Core Modules for Year Three
- Translation as a Profession
Optional Modules for Year Three
- Spanish Advanced
- Portuguese Advanced
- French Advanced
- German Advanced
- Italian Advanced
- Catalan Language & Society
- The Falklands War in Argentine Culture
- Revolutionaries & Nationalists in Spain
- Final Year Dissertation - Translation (in English/Welsh)
- Culture, Political Protest & Dissent in the 1960s
- European Cinema: Thinking the Real of Fiction
- Student Teaching Module
- Global Narratives of Colonialism, Slavery & Their Legacies
- The French Avant-Garde: From Art to Revolution
- United but Divided? Exploring German Unification
- Italian Women's Writing
How Will I Be Assessed?
Our assessments are designed to support you in developing your ideas, skills and competencies.
You’ll encounter a range of assessment formats. Our translation coursework assesses your ability to produce effective and appropriate English renditions of the original texts and to reflect on the process. Group projects and presentations will boost your interpersonal skills.
You’ll also study the building blocks of the language, including grammatical and lexical patterns and structures. These skills will be regularly assessed over the course of your language modules, which reflects the progressive and accumulative nature of language learning.
We use traditional assessment formats (such as essays, quizzes, class tests, oral exams and dissertations) as well as more innovative forms of assessment (such as translation portfolios, roleplay-style projects, vlogs, interviews and poster presentations).
Individual feedback is provided on all assessed work to help you improve performance for future assessments, and you’ll have opportunities to discuss this feedback with your tutors. In addition, you’ll do various practice exercises such as quizzes, presentations and essay or project plans. You’ll receive formative feedback from tutors in order to improve your learning and understanding before you complete your summative assessments.
Programma resultaat
What Skills Will I Practise and Develop?
Na succesvolle afronding van uw programma kunt u:
Knowledge & Understanding
- KU 1 Eén of twee moderne vreemde talen schrijven en begrijpen tot op niveau
- KU 2 Begrijp de structuren, registers en variëteiten van de talen die je leert en gebruik ze waar nodig
- KU3 Demonstreren van een grondige kennis van vertaalmethoden en vertalen als beroep, en het toepassen van de kennis in praktische vertaaltaken en professionele contexten
- KU 4 Gebruikmaken van diepgaande kennis en ervaring uit de eerste hand van andere culturen, en een genuanceerd begrip van het culturele, sociale en politieke belang van vertaling om tussen culturen te navigeren en te vertalen
Intellectual Skills
- IS 1 Communiceer duidelijk, beknopt en effectief met een divers publiek, schriftelijk en mondeling, in het Engels en één moderne vreemde taal
- IS 2 Een verscheidenheid aan algemene en gespecialiseerde teksten analyseren, complexe vertaalproblemen oplossen en nadenken over de juiste vertaalmethoden bij het uitvoeren van vertaaltaken en -projecten
- IS 3 Pas verbeterde taalvaardigheden en culturele expertise toe om informatie te onderzoeken en betekenissen in een breed scala aan contexten te interpreteren
- IS 4 Evalueer ideeën en vertaalbenaderingen kritisch door middel van goed geconstrueerde argumenten, gepresenteerd in passende academische en professionele formaten – essays, presentaties, vertalingscommentaren – met relevant bewijsmateriaal en verwijzingen
Professional Practical Skills
- PS 1 Gebruik waar nodig IT-programma's, inclusief vertaaltechnologie, en digitale media
- PS 2 Pas geavanceerde vertaalvaardigheden en -praktijken toe in een professionele omgeving
- PS 3 Werk als onderdeel van een team en ontwikkel een gezamenlijke aanpak voor het oplossen van problemen
- PS 4 Effectief een reeks algemene en gespecialiseerde teksten vertalen en redigeren, volgens professionele normen en met creativiteit
Transferable/Key Skills
- KS 1 Redeneren, bewijzen evalueren en problemen oplossen, theorie aan de praktijk koppelen
- KS 2 Onderzoek informatie en interpreteer relevante gegevens
- KS 3 Genereer originele ideeën en pas creatief, fantasierijk en innovatief denken toe als reactie op geïdentificeerde behoeften en problemen
- KS 4 Leer van constructieve feedback en verwerk de inzichten ervan
- KS 5 Wees vindingrijk en neem de verantwoordelijkheid voor je eigen leer- en professionele ontwikkeling
- KS 6 Benut een scala aan inzetbaarheids- en ondernemingsvaardigheden, zoals creativiteit, initiatief, organisatie, tijdmanagement, onafhankelijkheid en teamwerk
- KS 7 Communiceren en bemiddelen tussen talen en culturen
We willen u helpen uw professionele ambities te verwezenlijken en u de vaardigheden, nieuwsgierigheid en het vertrouwen te bieden om uw stempel te drukken op een competitieve arbeidsmarkt. Of je nu een duidelijk idee hebt van wat je na de universiteit wilt doen of helemaal geen idee hebt, wij hebben de tools en ondersteuning om je te begeleiden.
Werkervaring en plaatsingen zijn geweldige kansen om uw inzetbaarheid en carrièrevooruitzichten te vergroten en kunnen u helpen beslissingen te nemen over uw toekomstige carrièreplannen.
Elk semester maken we reclame voor stages op de campus. Dit zijn zomervakantiemogelijkheden voor studenten om onder begeleiding te werken aan onderwijsinnovatie, professionele diensten en door het personeel gedefinieerde onderzoeksprojecten.
Onze afgestudeerden floreren op de arbeidsmarkt. Hun vertaal- en taaldiploma's leiden hen naar een divers en opwindend scala aan carrières, waaronder interne vertalingen, tolken, de media, reizen, financiën, personeelszaken, internationale sportcontactfuncties, bedrijfsadvisering, onderwijs, gezondheidszorg, politiek en diplomatie. , het ambtenarenapparaat, recht en onderwijs.
Velen volgen postdoctorale studies zoals onze MA in Translation.
Graduate Careers
- Translator
- Teaching
- Journalistiek/media
- Civil Service