Bewegingswetenschappen BS
Milledgeville, Verenigde Staten
4 Years
Full time
Aug 2024
USD 46.410 / per year *
Op de campus
* for Out-of-State students | $3754 USD for In State students
Hands-on lab Ervaring met veldgebaseerd onderzoek
Doe praktijkervaring op en bereid je voor op een carrière als fitnessprofessional of vervolg je opleiding aan een professionele school, zoals fysiotherapie of ergotherapie.
Key Benefits of this Degree
- Leer de basisprincipes van menselijke beweging, lichaamsbeweging en sportvoeding, methoden voor weerstandstraining en meer in onze Concentratie Fitness en Prestatie
- Verkrijg inzicht in zowel het begrip van het menselijk lichaam als de wetenschappen. Verzamel de vereiste uren (als onderdeel van het programma) ter voorbereiding op post-professionele graduate programma's (DPT; OT; PA; enz.) binnen de concentraties Pre Professional en Sportgeneeskunde.
- Studeer af als een gekwalificeerde kandidaat voor een instap- of leidinggevende functie in bedrijfs-, ziekenhuis-, overheids-, school- of particuliere gezondheids- en fitnessprogramma's.
- Ontvang uitgebreide laboratoriumervaring met de modernste apparatuur voor inspanningsstresstests en verschillende biomechanische analyses.
- Verbeter uw carrière na uw afstuderen met onze Graduate Programs.
Het GCSU Exercise Science Program bereidt toekomstige professionals voor op verschillende prestigieuze certificeringen van de volgende organisaties:
- Nationale kracht- en conditioneringsvereniging (NSCA)
- Amerikaans College voor Sportgeneeskunde (ACSM)
Studenten die bewegingswetenschappen volgen, kunnen kiezen uit een van de drie concentratietrajecten*:
- Fitness- en prestatieconcentratie voor studenten die personal trainers, kracht-, conditie- en/of fitnessprofessionals willen worden;
- Pre-professionele concentratie voor studenten die van plan zijn hun opleiding voort te zetten in een professionele school, zoals fysiotherapie, ergotherapie, arts-assistent, enz.;
Concentratie sportgeneeskunde voor studenten die geïnteresseerd zijn in atletische training en die dat diploma misschien op graduate niveau willen volgen.
*Concentratiesporen verschijnen op het academische transcript van de student
Degree Requirements for Fitness and Performance Concentration
Core Areas A-E
Satisfactorily complete core Areas A-E, as listed in the Core Curriculum section of this catalog.
Core Curriculum
Georgia College, in cooperation with other institutions of the University System of Georgia, has adopted a core curriculum to allow the transfer of credit from one University System institution to another without penalty to the student. The University System's core curriculum is comprised of five areas: Areas A - E.
Students successfully completing an Area A-E course at one University System institution will receive full credit in Areas A-E for the course upon transfer to another System institution, even if the area has not been completed, as long as the course is within the area hour limitations of either the sending institution or the receiving institution and the student does not change from a non-science major to a science major.
Georgia College's approved core curriculum courses for Areas A, B, C, D, and E are listed below. Courses not listed here are not approved for these areas.
In this section
- Area A: Communication Skills
- Area A2: Quantitative Skills
- Area B: Institutional Options
- Area C1: Humanities and Ethics
- Area C2: Fine Arts
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Non-Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Health Professions Majors
- Area E: Social Sciences
- Area F: Courses Appropriate to the Student's Major Field
Total Credit Hours: 42
Area F
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- HSCS 2813 Anatomy of Human Movement
- HSCS 2823 Physiology of Human Movement
- KINS 2200 Intro to Exercise Biochemistry
- KINS 2210 Methods of Corrective Movement
- KINS 2323 Nutrition
- KINS 2331 Med Terminology/Allied Hlth Pr
Total Credit Hours: 18
Major Common Core
- KINS 3103 Structural Kinesiology
- KINS 3200 Exercise & Sports Nutrition
- KINS 3203 Physiology of Exercise
- KINS 3223 Biomechanics
- KINS 3233 Methods of Resistance Training
- KINS 3262 Exercise Testing/Norm Spec Pop
- KINS 4203 Exer Prescription Nor/Spec Pop
- KINS 4813 Research Methods & Statistics
Total Credit Hours: 23
Concentration Specific Courses
- KINS 3205 Personal Training
- KINS 3212 Practicum I
- KINS 3243 Exercise Leadership
- KINS 4206 Internship in Exercise Science (1-12)
- KINS 4213 Essentials Strength/Condition
- KINS 4222 Practicum II
Total Credit Hours: 24
Electives: Total Credit Hours: 13
Degree Requirements for Pre-Professional Concentration
Core Areas A-E:
Satisfactorily complete core Areas A-E, as listed in the Core Curriculum section of this catalog.
Total Credit Hours: 42
Area F
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- BIOL 2251K Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIOL 2252K Anatomy & Physiology II
- KINS 2210 Methods of Corrective Movement
- KINS 2200 Intro to Exercise Biochemistry
- KINS 2323 Nutrition
- KINS 2331 Med Terminology/Allied Health Pr
Total Credit Hours: 18
Major Common Core
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- KINS 3103 Structural Kinesiology
- KINS 3200 Exercise & Sports Nutrition
- KINS 3203 Physiology of Exercise
- KINS 3223 Biomechanics
- KINS 3233 Methods of Resistance Training
- KINS 3262 Exercise Testing/Norm Spec Pop
- KINS 4203 Exer Prescription Nor/Spec Pop
- KINS 4813 Research Methods & Statistics
Total Credit Hours: 23
Concentration Specific Courses
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- KINS 3212 Practicum I
- KINS 4233 Clinical Exercise Physiology
- KINS 4253 Applied Research in Ex Science
- KINS 4206 Internship in Exercise Science (1-12)
- PSYC 2103 Intro to Human Development
- PSYC 3200 Abnormal Psychology
Total Credit Hours: 26
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- CHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry I
- CHEM 1211L Principles of Chemistry Lab I
- PHYS 1111 Introductory Physics I
- PHYS 1111L Introductory Physics Lab I
- BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology I
- BIOL 1107L Principles of Biology I Lab OR
- BIOL 2260K Foundations of Microbiology
Total Credit Hours: 11
Degree Requirements for Sports Medicine Concentration
Core Areas A-E
Total Credit Hours: 42
Area F
- HSCS 2813 Anatomy of Human Movement
- HSCS 2823 Physiology of Human Movement
- KINS 2200 Intro to Exercise Biochemistry
- KINS 2210 Methods of Corrective Movement
- KINS 2331 Med Terminology/Allied Health Pr
- KINS 2323 Nutrition
Total Credit Hours: 18
- BIOL 2251K can be taken in place of HSCS 2813.
- BIOL 2252K can be taken in place of HSCS 2823.
Major Common Core
- KINS 3103 Structural Kinesiology
- KINS 3200 Exercise & Sports Nutrition
- KINS 3203 Physiology of Exercise
- KINS 3223 Biomechanics
- KINS 3233 Methods of Resistance Training
- KINS 3262 Exercise Testing/Norm Spec Pop
- KINS 4203 Exer Prescription Nor/Spec Pop
- KINS 4813 Research Methods & Statistics
Total Credit Hours: 23
Concentration Specific Courses
- KINS 3104 Fndn of Therapeutic Medicine
- KINS 3212 Practicum I
- KINS 4104 Prev & Emer Conc in Healthcare
- KINS 4206 Internship in Exercise Science (1-12)
- KINS 4213 Essentials Strength/Condition
- KINS 4233 Clinical Exercise Physiology
- PSYC 3200 Abnormal Psychology
Total Credit Hours: 23
Cognate Courses
- CHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry I
- CHEM 1211L Principles of Chemistry Lab I
- PHYS 1111 Introductory Physics I
- PHYS 1111L Introductory Physics Lab I
- BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology I
- BIOL 1107L Principles of Biology I Lab OR
- BIOL 2260K Foundations of Microbiology
Total Credit Hours: 4-12
Electives: Total Credit Hours: 2-10
- Students will be required to show proof of liability insurance their junior and senior years.
- Grades of C or better are required in Area F, major, minor, and approved elective courses. Students who fail to earn grades of C or better in Area F or major courses will not be permitted to enroll in additional major courses until these courses are repeated and the student has earned satisfactory grades.
- Current First Aid/CPR certification is required.
- A 2.5 overall GPA is a prerequisite for the internship.
- In order to graduate, students must have an overall GPA of 2.5 and fulfill other requirements specified in the Graduation Requirements section of the Catalog.
- Students will be required to complete service learning projects which are discipline-specific.
- Graduate en professionele scholen (doctoraat fysiotherapie [DPT]; master ergotherapie [MOT]; doctor in de chiropractie [DC]; arts-assistent [PA]; master menselijke prestaties; master in onderwijsgezondheid en lichamelijke opvoeding; enz.)
- Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist
- Certified Personal Trainer
- Onderzoeker bewegingswetenschappen
- Gecertificeerd kracht- en conditiecoach
- Docent gezondheid en welzijn
- Orthotisten en Prothetisten
English Language Requirements
Certificeer uw Engelse taalvaardigheid met de Duolingo Engelse test! De DET is een handige, snelle en betaalbare online test Engels die wordt geaccepteerd door meer dan 4.000 universiteiten (zoals deze) over de hele wereld.