Honours Bachelor of Science in Applied Life Sciences Degree met biotechnologie - gezondheidsdiploma
4 Years
Full time
Sep 2024
CAD 28.306 / per semester *
Op de campus
* internationale kosten: $ 26.037,16; binnenlandse kosten: $ 7.021,67; op basis van collegegeld eerstejaars bachelorstudenten studiejaar 2020-2021
Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Life Sciences met Biotechnology-Health diplomaprogramma van Lakehead University en Georgian College (Lakehead-Georgian)
Wat je moet weten
Programma-indeling: voltijd, vier jaar
Referentie: Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Life Sciences (van Lakehead University), Biotechnology - Health Diploma (van Georgian College )
Aangeboden graden: BSc (Honours), BSc
Academische gebied: Faculteit Wetenschappen en Milieukunde, Gezondheid, Welzijn en Wetenschappen
OUAC-code: AA
Campussen: jaar 1 en 2 - Georgian Barrie Campus, jaar 3 en 4 - Lakehead Orillia Campus
Is het Applied Life Sciences Degree-Diploma-programma iets voor jou?
Deze interdisciplinaire toegepaste life sciences graad-diploma combinatie wordt aangeboden door Lakehead-Georgian. Na afronding ontvang je zowel een Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Life Sciences van Lakehead University en het Biotechnology-Health Diploma van Georgian College .
Bereid je voor op een carrière in biomedisch onderzoek, forensisch onderzoek, diagnostische laboratoria of de gezondheidssector. Dit degree-diploma-programma richt zich op de studie van levende wezens van het moleculaire niveau tot het niveau van het organisme. Het toegepaste life sciences-diplomaprogramma combineert theorieën en praktijken uit de antropologie, biologie, scheikunde en natuurkunde met hands-on leren door middel van laboratoriumcursussen, toepassing van experimentele technieken en gebruik van wetenschappelijke apparatuur. Je zult verschillende onderwerpen onderzoeken om de omvang van biologische diversiteit op moleculair niveau te begrijpen en kritisch denkvermogen te ontwikkelen met betrekking tot moderne levenswetenschappen. Onze focus op de menselijke gezondheid geeft je een voordeel als je van plan bent om na je afstuderen een professionele opleiding te volgen in de geneeskunde, diergeneeskunde, tandheelkunde, optometrie, farmacie of een gerelateerd vakgebied.
Beurzen en financiering
Er is meer dan $ 11 miljoen aan beurzen, beurzen en prijzen beschikbaar voor inkomende Lakehead-Georgische studenten. Ontdek OSAP, evenals prijzen, beurzen en beurzen die voor u beschikbaar zijn.
First Year (Fall and Winter) Georgian College - Barrie Campus
- Biologie 1050, 1051
- Scheikunde 1110, 1130
- Wiskunde 1171, 1172
- Wiskunde 0210
- Georgische cursussen: *Biologie 1031G, *Biologie 1032G, *Biologie 1039G
First Year (Spring/Summer)
- Een half FCE Lakehead University open keuzevak
Second Year (Fall and Winter) Georgian College - Barrie Campus
- Antropologie 1032
- Biologie 2230, 2171
- Fysica 1113, 1133
- Georgische cursussen: *Biologie 2012G, *Biologie 2013G, *Biologie 2023G, *Scheikunde 2004G
- Georgische cursussen: *Biologie 2021G of *Biologie 2025G
Third Year (Lakehead University - Orillia Campus)
- Antropologie 2110, 3138
- Scheikunde 2111, 2231, 3131
- Een halve FCE uit de Type E-cursuslijst
- Een halve FCE van Biomedische Technieken Lijst 1
- Een halve FCE van Biomedische Technieken Lijst 2
- Eén FCE uit Filosofie 2511, Antropologie 3312, Biologie 4372
Fourth Year (Lakehead University - Orillia Campus)
- Scheikunde 3251/Biologie 3252, Scheikunde 3271/Biologie 3272
- Anderhalf FCE-keuzevak uit onderstaande lijst 1, 2 of 3
- Twee en een halve FCE open keuzevakken
Courses on the lists below may not be offered annually
- Biomedical Techniques List 1 (no lab, choose 0.5 FCE)
- Anthropology 3715 - Plagues and Peoples
- Anthropology 3139 or Biology 3139 - Molecular Anthropology
- Anthropology 4011 – Advanced Paleoanthropology
- Applied Bio-Molecular Science 4132 or Biology 4132 – Biofilms
- Biology 2035 - Human Physiology Survey
- Biology 3330 - Molecular Biology of Development
- Biology 3770 - Biology of Food Safety
- Biology 4711 – Applied and Environmental Microbiology
- Environmental Sustainability 3074– Environmental Biotechnology
- Biomedical Techniques List 2 (with lab, choose 0.5 FCE)
- Anthropology 4219 - Human Skeletal and Dental Biology
- Applied Bio-Molecular Science3135 or Biology 3135 - Molecular Genetics
- Biology 3250 - Animal Physiology: Animal Communication and Control Systems
- Biology 3251 – Animal Physiology: Organ System Operation and Regulation
- Biology 3470 - Biotechnology of Plants
- Environmental Sustainability 3073 - Environmental Biotechnology
Courses on the lists below may not be offered annually and some courses may only be available at the TB or the OR campus.
List 1 (Concepts in Applied Life Sciences)
- Anthropology 3011 – Topics in Human Origins
- Anthropology 3013 – Animals and People
- Anthropology 3014 - Quantitative Anthropology
- Anthropology 3455 - Stable Isotopes in Bioanthropology
- Anthropology 3715 - Plagues and Peoples
- Anthropology 3139 or Biology 3139 - Molecular Anthropology
- Anthropology 4011 – Advanced Paleoanthropology
- Anthropology 4012 - Science in Indigenous America
- Anthropology 4013 – Archaeology of Food
- Applied Bio-Molecular Science 4650 or Biology 4650 - Issues in Biotechnology
- Applied Bio-Molecular Science 4132 or Biology 4132 - Biofilms
- Biology 3253 – Animal Physiology: Intracellular Communication and Coordination
- Biology 3330 - Molecular Biology of Development
- Biology 3711 - Pathogenic Bacteriology
- Biology 3770 - Biology of Food Safety
- Biology 4010 – Medical Quackery and Pseudoscience
- Biology 4011 – Immunology
- Biology 4230 - Cancer Biology
- Biology 4372 - Bioethics Issues for the Life Sciences
- Biology 4711 - Applied and Environmental Microbiology
- Biology 4751 - Neurobiology I
- Biology 4830 - Endocrinology
- Biology 4850 - Neurochemistry
- Biology 4855 - Pharmacology
- Biology 4752 - Neurobiology II
- Chemistry 4111 - Research Seminars (only as co-requisite for Chemistry 4901)
- Chemistry 4210 - Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
- Chemistry 4212 - Protein Biochemistry
- Chemistry 4214 - Carbohydrate Chemistry
- Chemistry 4515 - Introduction to Medical Imaging
- Chemistry 4516 - MRI Physics and Medical Applications
- Environmental Sustainability 3112 – Bioremediation
- Environmental Sustainability 3113 – Biomonitoring of the Environment
- Environmental Sustainability 3073 or Environmental Sustainability 3074– Environmental Biotechnology
- Kinesiology 3011 or Biology 3011 - Physiology of Exercise II
- Physics 3511 - Biological Physics
List 2 (Concepts in Applied Life Sciences with Laboratory)
- Anthropology 3136 - Forensic Anthropology
- Anthropology 4219 - Human Skeletal and Dental Biology
- Applied Bio-Molecular Science 3135 or Biology 3135 - Molecular Genetics
- Applied Bio-Molecular Science 4710 or Chemistry 4710 - Advanced Research Methodology
- Bioinformatics 3711 or Chemistry 3711 - Bioinformatics
- Biology 3250 - Animal Physiology: Animal Communication and Control Systems
- Biology 3251 – Animal Physiology: Organ System Operation and Regulation
- Biology 3470 - Biotechnology of Plants
- Biology 4111 - Parasitology
- Biology 4770 - Food Microbiology
- Chemistry 3210 - Genes and Genomics
- Chemistry 3131 - Analytical Chemistry II
- Chemistry 3231 – Organic Chemistry III
- Kinesiology 3010 or Biology 3010 - Physiology of Exercise I
- Natural Resources Management 3450 or Biology 3450 - Biology of the Fungi
List 3 (Project in Applied Life Sciences)
Before enrolling in a Life Sciences Research Project Course, students must identify a faculty member or adjunct who is willing to supervise a project that involves laboratory/field research or bioinformatics work.
- Applied Bio-Molecular Science 3811 - Life Sciences Research Project I
- Applied Bio-Molecular Science 3813 - Life Sciences Research Project II
- Applied Bio-Molecular Science 4811 - Life Sciences Research Project III
- Applied Bio-Molecular Science 4813 - Life Sciences Research Project IV
- Anthropology 4901 - Honours Thesis
- Biology 4101 – Honours Thesis
- Chemistry 4901 – Honours Thesis; Students must also take Chemistry 4111 if the Chemistry thesis is chosen
- Physics 4501 - Research Topic for Students in Physics
1. A maximum of 0.5 FCE per term and a maximum of 1.0 FCE per academic year can be taken from any combination of directed reading, independent research, and thesis courses. Students can only take one FCE thesis course in their honors degree. Exceptions require permission from the academic advisor. This applies to all courses in List 3. (Other examples of this type of course are: Biology 3990, Biology 4610, Anthropology 4811.)
2. If the student is considering graduate school, it is strongly recommended that the 1.0 FCE from the courses on List 2 or 3 in Fourth Year include a thesis. Students need to arrange for a faculty supervisor before the start of the Fourth Year if they wish to register for a thesis course.
3. The Indigenous Content Requirement is being met by the inclusion of 0.5 FCE chosen from the list of Type E-courses taken as an elective in the third year of the program.
Four-year Non-Direct Entry program option
Bachelor of Science (Applied Life Sciences Major with Specialization in Biomedical Techniques) 4-year (Lakehead-Georgian Partnership)
This program option is for Honours students who are academically ineligible to continue in or complete the Honours program.
The program requirements are the same as for the HBSc (Applied Life Sciences major) with a Specialization in Biomedical Techniques and a Diploma in Biotechnology-Health program, except that students shall not take an honors thesis, as noted in List 3 Courses. Also, to remain in the program, students must maintain at least an overall 60% average in all required courses, including those specified in the List of Recommended Courses for the third and fourth year of the program, but not including the open electives.
Programma collegegeld
Het diploma toegepaste levenswetenschappen integreert kennis uit verschillende disciplines, waaronder celbiologie en genetica, microbiologie en biochemie, antropologie en natuurkunde. Onze afgestudeerden zijn bereid om rechtstreeks naar een verscheidenheid aan gezondheidswetenschappelijke disciplines te gaan of een universitaire graad (MSc en PhD) of professionele graden in de geneeskunde, tandheelkunde, farmacie of optometrie te volgen. Hier zijn een paar carrières die je zou kunnen hebben na je afstuderen.
- botanist
- Forensics
- Erfelijkheidsadviseur
- Geneeskunde
- Microbiologie-technicus
- Farmaceutisch / medisch onderzoeker
- Doktersassistent
- Inspecteur volksgezondheid