Bachelor in de menselijke biologie
Belfast, Verenigd Koninkrijk
3 Years
Full time
Sep 2025
GBP 25.300
Op de campus
Menselijke biologie is de geïntegreerde studie van de menselijke anatomie en fysiologie, inclusief de studie van het lichaam in gezondheid en ziekte. Het behandelt een breed scala aan onderwerpen, variërend van genetica, microbiologie en immunologie tot de kerndisciplines anatomie, microanatomie en fysiologie.
De graad is ontworpen om een grotere mate van flexibiliteit mogelijk te maken bij de keuze van modules, in vergelijking met de nauw verwante graad in Biomedische Wetenschappen.
Gespecialiseerde vakgebieden die in detail kunnen worden bestudeerd, zijn onder meer farmacologie en therapieën, cardiovasculaire pathologie en behandeling, topografische anatomie, bewegings- en sportwetenschappen in de geneeskunde, embryologie en ontwikkelingsbiologie, volksgezondheidswetenschappen en neurowetenschappen. Binnen deze vakgebieden bieden we een breed en innovatief scala aan leerervaringen, zoals het gebruik van echografie in cardiovasculaire fysiologie en blootstelling aan kadaverdissectie (als de monsters dit toelaten).
Beurzen en financiering
We offer prestigious, competitive scholarships of up to 50% off tuition fees to new international students. You must have an offer to study a full-time course with us in 2024 to apply for a scholarship.
Year 1
- Molecular Basis of Life (20 credits)
- Genetics and the Molecular Toolbox (20 credits)
- World of Microorganisms (20 credits)
- Fundamentals of Microbiology (20 credits)
- Human Structure and Function (40 credits)
- Professional Skills for Scientists 1 (0 credits)
Year 2
- Professional Skills for Scientists 2 (0 credits)
- Principles of Cell Biology (20 credits)
- Fysiologische wetenschappen (20 studiepunten)
- Menselijke anatomie (20 studiepunten)
- Wetenschappelijke methoden/statistiek (20 studiepunten)
- Gezondheidswetenschappen en bevolkingsstudies (20 studiepunten)
Year 3
- Research Project (40 credits)
Details of assessments associated with this course are outlined below:
De beoordeling varieert afhankelijk van de leerresultaten van elke module. Sommige modules worden uitsluitend beoordeeld via projectwerk of schriftelijke opdrachten. Andere worden beoordeeld via een combinatie van cursuswerk en eindexamens. Studenten krijgen een studieadviseur toegewezen die hen kan adviseren over persoonlijke en academische zaken.
Programma collegegeld
The BSc in Human Biology degree program is aimed at students seeking a broad-based knowledge of Human Biology with career opportunities in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, teaching, scientific publishing, or the scientific Civil Service. In addition, the degree provides access to graduate jobs open to other disciplines due to the many transferable skills gained on the course. Many students go into further study after their degree, completing Master's and PhDs and a significant proportion of graduates gain entry to a Medical or Dental degree both here and abroad.
Employment after the Course
Recent and frequent employment opportunities have been taken by our graduates in Life Science/Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology industries in a wide range of roles, including Laboratory Technician, Scientific Officer, Sales and Marketing, and Clinical Trials Supervision, in leading local, national, and international industries, including Randox, Norbrook, Almac, and Galen.
Employment Links
Many of our students go on to further study, predominantly within Queen’s or in other universities in the UK or abroad.
Graduates have gone into areas such as Medicine, Dentistry, Computational Biology, and Teaching. Additionally, some students progress to PhDs in various research areas, often in research laboratories in which they completed their 3rd-year projects.
Prizes and Awards
A number of professional bodies sponsor prizes on an annual basis for the best students in their level, module, or category. These include The Physiological Society and The British Pharmacological Society.
Degree Plus/Future Ready Award for extra-curricular skills
In addition to your degree program, at Queen's, you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic, and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports, and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognized by a world-leading university, but you'll also have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this the Degree Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Programma levering
Contact Teaching Hours
Large Group Teaching
- 14 (maximaal uren)
- Lectures
Personal Study
- 24 (hours maximum)
Medium Group Teaching
- 12 (hours maximum)
- Praktisch/zelfstudie
Learning and Teaching
Students in the BSc Human Biology program are taught a variety of methods that help engage students with the learning process.
- Adviser of Studies
- E-Learning technologies
- Induction
- Lectures
- Peer Mentoring
- Practical laboratory
- Self-directed study
- Seminars/tutorials
- Summer Studentships
- Third-Year Supervised Projects