BSc (Hons) in Ecologie en behoud van bossen
Ambleside, Verenigd Koninkrijk
3 Years
Full time
Sep 2024
GBP 13.575 / per year *
* internationaal UK: £9.250 per academisch jaar
Onze graad in bosecologie en bosbehoud is ontworpen om je voor te bereiden op een nieuw soort afgestudeerde, een die de wereld hard nodig heeft om de uitdagingen van de 21e eeuw aan te gaan. Deze opleiding geeft je de ecologische kennis die ten grondslag ligt aan modern duurzaam bosbeheer. Afgestudeerden zijn in staat om bomen, bossen en wouden te beheren om de biodiversiteit te beschermen en de voordelen voor de menselijke samenleving te optimaliseren door middel van houtproductie en ruimte voor recreatie, maar ook om kennis van essentiële ecosysteemdiensten toe te passen; koolstof-, nutriënten- en watercyclus, overstromingen en erosiebeheersing onder andere. Afgestudeerden in bosecologie en bosbehoud zijn toegerust om oplossingen aan te dragen voor de dubbele milieu-uitdaging van onze tijd: klimaatverandering en biodiversiteitsverlies.
Als bachelor in bosecologie en bosbehoud aan de Universiteit van Cumbria leer je hoe je bomen, bossen en wouden duurzaam beheert aan onze National School of Forestry. Tijdens de hele cursus zul je praktijkervaring opdoen om de theorie te ondersteunen, van oude bossen tot commerciële bossen, en studiereizen door het hoogland en laagland. Er is ook een mogelijkheid om een jaar stage te lopen in een gerelateerd beroep, waardoor je zelfvertrouwen wordt versterkt en je kennis in de praktijk wordt gebracht in de echte wereld.
Develop your knowledge and skills around forest management. This degree program will increase your understanding of the physical, biological, economic, and sociological principles and processes that underpin forestry.
You will learn to apply such principles and processes to the sustainable management of woodland multiple goods and ecosystem services (for example, protection of soil and water, recreation, and support of a diversity of threatened plants and wildlife). You will critically assess contemporary issues in woodland conservation such as rewilding and species reintroductions.
Our program will allow you to explore the commercial, social, and environmental contexts in which forestry is practiced and the consequences of forestry for the rural economy, society, and the environment. You will learn how to conduct research monitoring changes in forest condition, health, and carbon capture, as well as acquire skills in describing tree and forest types and the ecological systems and processes that they support.
Year One
Introduction to Managing Trees, Woods, and Forests
Provides students with a basic understanding of the history of forestry in the UK and worldwide, the underlying principles of soil and plant science, and an overview of the current practice of sustainable forest management to protect biodiversity, produce timber, and other benefits to human society.
Measuring Trees and Forests
To learn to apply the standard methods of tree and woodland measurement used in British forestry.
Aims to give a grounding in silvicultural practice, to include a thorough and applied understanding of plantation, conservation, and amenity woodland establishment and maintenance.
Woodland Ecology
Gives a broad introduction to ecology and ecological processes. Ecology, the study of interactions between organisms and their environments, provides a theoretical and practical framework for managing and working with natural and semi-natural ecosystems, but also in managed landscapes.
Forestry Fundamentals
The aim of this module is to enable students to learn the key writing and presentation skills necessary to succeed in their studies and their future careers.
Biodiversity 1
This module aims to introduce you to the range of biodiversity on the planet. Lectures will provide a comprehensive introduction to biodiversity while field- and laboratory-based sessions will give practical experience and the skills to identify major taxonomic groups.
Biodiversity 2
Field identifications will be using easily observed characteristics and field guides whereas the laboratory sessions will be using microscopes to observe the required details to use in scientific keys. When possible, specimens for identification will be collected by students in the local environment.
Year Two
Biodiversity Monitoring
This module builds on your identification and field skills gained in the first year to put your knowledge and experience with biological monitoring techniques into practice. You will develop the theory and practical application of biological survey design and monitoring schemes.
Geographic Information Systems
The aim of this module is to provide students with a sound understanding of the theory and application of GIS in a manner relevant to their field of study and potential future employment.
Research Methods and Data Analysis
The aim of this module is to introduce you to the scientific method, research design, collecting data in an unbiased manner, and the analytical skills required to complete an undergraduate honors dissertation project.
Forest Policy and Governance
Throughout the module, students will develop the knowledge and skills required to manage modern, sustainable, multipurpose forestry within the constraints of national and international legislative and policy frameworks.
Forest Health and Protection
The aim of this module is to enable students to identify, understand, and manage the main biotic (pests and pathogens) and abiotic (nutrient and climate) factors that adversely affect trees and forests.
Forests & People (Optional)
Forests and woodlands in both the rural and urban environments have always played a wide and varied role for communities throughout our history, both as a physical resource to be exploited and also as providing spaces for our mental and physical health and well-being.
Valuing the Environment (Optional)
Students will explore the concepts associated with valuing the environment including natural capital, nature’s contribution to people, and ecosystem services. You will critically evaluate these as frameworks for enabling people to “value” the environment.
Environmental Change: Past Present Future (Optional)
Explores the evidence for and forcing of past climate change through the Quaternary period, how this has impacted the landscape, and also the evolution of humans and society.
Year Three
You will develop objectives for a self-selected business; evaluate in a structured way the impacts upon a business and plan the resources required. You will learn to apply a range of business tools and how to write and present a business plan.
Woodland Conservation
Comparing the concept of conservation to those of ecology and sustainability. Examining how British Romanticism inspired by the English Lake District landscape contributed to the start of the conservation movement alongside developments in the USA.
Forest Plan
Provides an opportunity for students to engage in a systematic and integrated approach to objective-led forest management planning in accordance with the principles and criteria of sustainable forest management.
Applied Field Studies (Optional)
It provides you with experience in collecting and analyzing a scientific data set and preparing a scientific report on a small scale and allows you to develop higher-level analytical skills in hypothesis testing and reporting.
Advanced Silviculture (Optional)
Aims to develop further your understanding of silvicultural practices and their role in ensuring the productive and sustainable management of forests across a range of objectives in both temperate and tropical regions.
Business Skills (Optional)
You will develop objectives for a self-selected business; evaluate in a structured way the impacts upon a business and plan the resources required. You will learn to apply a range of business tools and how to write and present a business plan.
Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing (Optional)
The aim of this module is to provide students with the skills and knowledge to plan and implement projects using GIS and remote sensing to solve issues in the fields of conservation and natural resources management.
Climate Smart Forestry (Optional)
To provide forest managers an overview of the causes and impacts of anthropogenic climate change and the adaptation strategies necessary and mitigation options available.
Wildlife Management (Optional)
Students apply their knowledge of wildlife and conservation to real-life situations. The module will give students an in-depth knowledge of wildlife management techniques, stressing the importance of planning, administration, and funding for effective management of habitats, populations, and species.
How You Will Be Assessed
Hoewel de meeste beoordelingen individueel zijn, zullen er mogelijkheden zijn voor groepswerk, vooral tijdens praktijksessies buiten waar gegevens worden verzameld. Dit zal u helpen bij het ontwikkelen van samenwerkings- en organisatorische vaardigheden die klaar zijn voor de werkplek.
Gedurende het programma voer je een aantal beoordelingen uit, zowel praktisch als theoretisch. Hierdoor kunt u belangrijke vaardigheden en eigenschappen oefenen die bijdragen aan uw toekomstige inzetbaarheid.
Voorbeelden van beoordelingstypen zijn:
- Het maken van veldwerk- en laboratoriumrapporten, waarbij vooral gebruik wordt gemaakt van primaire veldnotitieboekjes;
- Schrijven van essays of rapporten;
- Het kritisch analyseren van casestudies uit het echte leven;
- En rollenspel om situaties uit de echte wereld in het veld en in de klas te simuleren.
Programma resultaat
On This Course You Will...
- Have easy access to local woodlands giving you the chance to explore different forest types and the ecosystems they support.
- Benefit from great opportunities for paid placements and graduate job prospects thanks to our links with organizations like the Royal Forestry Society and Woodland Trust.
- Learn from tutors with field experience, who conduct ground-breaking, international research that will inform your studies.
- Appreciate the role of global forests in climate change mitigation and the greatest threats to their conservation.