BSc (Hons) in psychologie met begeleiding en psychotherapie
Carlisle, Verenigd Koninkrijk
3 Years
Full time
Sep 2024
GBP 13.575 / per year *
Op de campus
* internationaal UK: £9.250 per academisch jaar
In deze opleiding verken je de menselijke ervaring in verschillende contexten en levensfasen, van het begrijpen van de biologische basis van gedrag tot het bevragen van de impact van sociale media op de ontwikkeling van kinderen. Je leert de academische kennis en praktische vaardigheden die je nodig hebt om een verschil te maken in het leven van anderen. Je leert van deskundige docenten uit de industrie door middel van lezingen, seminars en andere leermogelijkheden.
Als je psychologie met counseling en psychotherapie studeert aan de University of Cumbria, ontwikkel je de kennis en vaardigheden die je nodig hebt voor een succesvolle carrière in de psychologie of counseling/psychotherapie. Deze topopleiding voldoet aan de opleidingseisen van de British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Na je afstuderen kom je in aanmerking voor individueel lidmaatschap van de BACP en kun je registratie aanvragen, mits je slaagt voor de BACP Proficiency.
In this degree, you will learn about the key research, knowledge, skills, and attributes needed to work within psychological and therapeutic settings. You will start by building your knowledge and developing your key skills through lectures, workshops, and problem-based learning. You will explore the history of psychology, research methods, and analytical techniques.
You will examine the wider issues around therapeutic diversity whilst gaining work experience within therapeutic settings allowing you to further advance your knowledge, skills, and advanced counseling skills. An independent research project will allow you to explore a topic of your interest with your own research question.
Year One
You will build knowledge in the foundations of psychology, counseling, and psychotherapy as disciplines and develop key skills through lectures, workshops, and problem-based learning. You will build knowledge of the history of psychology, research methods, and analytical techniques as well as start to develop key counseling, academic, and professional skills.
- Psychology in Action
An introduction to a range of theories and models from developmental, cognitive, and biological psychology.
- Introduction to Psychological Research Methods
An introduction to the nature of psychological inquiry and research skills.
- Introduction to Data Analysis
An introduction to the processes involved in the analysis and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data.
- Academic and Professional Skills
Begin working with others in a professional setting including covering issues of equality, diversity, and inclusion.
- Foundational Counselling and Coaching Skills
Develop basic counseling and coaching skills.
- Counselling Skills: Preparation for Practice
Develop a range of basic counseling skills.
Year Two
You will start to develop a more in-depth understanding of research, theory, and practice and develop important research and practical skills. You will build on the foundation of the skills developed in year one begin to understand wider issues around therapeutic diversity and start to gain work experience within a therapeutic setting.
- Research Methods and Statistics
Become familiar with statistical techniques that deal with more than one independent variable at two or more levels, including within, between, and mixed participant designs.
- Development, Brain, and Cognition
Explore the potential impact on human development and behavior of a range of factors.
- Social and Community Psychology
Apply theories of social psychology to understand the experiences and behaviors of people within their community.
- Work Experience
An opportunity to start your supervised counseling practice.
- Intermediate Counselling Skills
Develop a practical and professional understanding of ethical practice and decision-making with attention to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Ethical Framework and relevant legislation.
- Understanding Therapeutic Diversity
Develop a complex understanding of several therapeutic approaches (including the person-centered approach) and critically compare them.
Year Three
You will undertake an independent research project that will allow you to explore a topic of interest and pursue your own research question. You will also be able to further advance your knowledge and skills through further work experience and advanced counseling skills.
- Proefschrift: Voer een onderzoek uit naar een onderwerp van uw eigen interesse.
- Individuele verschillen: capaciteiten, persoonlijkheden en het meten van verschillen: een inleiding tot de aard van individuele verschillen in menselijk gedrag over een breed spectrum van menselijke ontwikkeling.
- Kritische psychologie: neem deel aan een kritisch debat over de ideologische basis van psychologische kennis, methoden en toepassingen.
- Geavanceerde adviesvaardigheden: Ontwikkel een kritisch theoretisch bewustzijn en professioneel begrip van de theorieën en ervaringen van psychologische en emotionele problemen.
- Werkervaring 2: Nog een kans om uw begeleide counselingpraktijk te starten.
How You Will Be Assessed
De beoordeling gedurende het hele programma omvat een mix van beoordelingsactiviteiten zoals schriftelijke opdrachten, ongeziene tests in de klas, presentaties en rapporten, naast innovatieve en op inzetbaarheid gerichte taken zoals case study-analyse, probleemgebaseerde activiteiten en reflectieve logboeken.
Deze methoden zijn gekozen om de kennisontwikkeling, de ontwikkeling van vaardigheden van de beoefenaar en een reeks overdraagbare en professionele capaciteiten, zoals communicatieve vaardigheden, presentatievaardigheden, probleemoplossing, teamwerk, rekenvaardigheid en IT-vaardigheden, te stimuleren.
Programma resultaat
On This Course You Will...
- Have the opportunity to explore and apply psychological literature to current issues, contexts, and experiences.
- Develop key knowledge, skills, and abilities to help you prepare to become a counselor or psychotherapist, or develop a career in related psychotherapeutic professions.
- Be able to choose topics and areas that you want to learn more about to tailor your learning experience to your psychology degree.
- Be taught and given high-quality support and guidance by our expert lecturing team, who are active in research and practices.
- Have the opportunity to get involved in a range of extracurricular activities including sessions by experts in the field of psychology and counselling.
- Benefit from our excellent links with regional and national charities, and not-for-profit and penal institutions to gain work experience and enhance your job prospects.