BSc (Hons) in Geografie
Ambleside, Verenigd Koninkrijk
3 Years
Full time
Sep 2025
GBP 13.575 / per year *
Op de campus
* internationaal UK: £9.250 per academisch jaar
Beleef je diploma. Omring jezelf met de schoonheid van het Lake District.
Onze Ambleside Campus stelt je in staat om tijd te besteden aan het leren van het veld, in het veld. Wij geloven dat studenten leren van ervaring.
Geografen onderzoeken de mondiale uitdagingen waar de mensheid en de planeet in de 21e eeuw voor staan. Op onze campus in Ambleside, in het hart van het Lake District, omarm je tijdens deze geografiecursus de mix van natuurwetenschappen, sociale wetenschappen en geesteswetenschappen die de diversiteit en uitbundigheid creëert die we geografie noemen.
We hebben onze aardrijkskundeopleiding zo ontworpen dat je de kans krijgt om menselijke, fysieke en omgevingsgeografie samen te brengen. Het geeft je niet alleen een brede academische kennis en veel praktijkgericht veldwerk, het kan ook de start zijn die je nodig hebt om je succesvolle carrière vorm te geven.
Our broad spectrum of modules means that alongside physical and environmental geography, you’ll gain a deep knowledge of human geography – looking at people’s interaction with the environment, their communities, and the complex issues facing society today and in the future.
Plus, you will live and learn close to the shores of Windermere Lake, on our friendly Ambleside campus in the stunning Lake District, where you will be surrounded by a picturesque patchwork of more than 150 lofty peaks, 16 lakes, an abundance of rivers – all home to unique habitats and wildlife.
Our program explores many of the key grand challenges that face both humanity and the planet in the 21st Century, for example: climate change and its implications; inequality and difference at individual to global levels; and valuing the ecosystem services we derive from the Earth system. Through your studies, you will develop a progressively more sophisticated understanding of geographical thinking within four broad, interconnected thematic strands.
These four themes are developed through a variety of compulsory and optional modules with an increasing level of choice available as you progress through your studies, enabling you to specialize and follow your own interests as you develop as a Geographer.
Year One
Global Challenges
You will approach and analyze global challenges from many perspectives and explore communicating with a variety of audiences. In doing so, you will develop the range of communication and analysis skills you will need as a geographer.
Geographical Techniques
The aim of this module is to equip you with fundamental methods of constructing geographical data and interpretations, including techniques of field, laboratory, and archival research.
People and Place
Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of historical, political, and cultural geographies. Through these geographical lenses, you will critically examine local and global challenges in the relationships between people and place.
Environment and Resources
The aim of this module is to introduce you to the fundamentals of economic, development, and environmental geography, three of the core themes of Human Geography, through the lens of the ‘resource’.
The Earth System
We will examine the uncertainties that the Earth System faces as a consequence of entering the Anthropocene, an unprecedented phase of Earth history that provides the underlying context for many of the themes explored within Geographical and Environmental research.
Ecological Knowledge, Interactions, and Change
Students will develop their ecological thinking and literacy in a variety of local habitats and ecosystems. You will study and explain underpinning ecological concepts and processes that shape ecosystems.
Year Two
Research Design
Students will develop an understanding of methodologies and the research method as applied within an environmental context. This module culminates in student-led fieldwork in which you will design, execute, and report a research project.
Valuing the Environment
The aim of this module is to explore the concepts associated with valuing the environment including natural capital, nature’s contribution to people, and ecosystem services. You will critically evaluate these as frameworks for enabling people to “value” the environment.
Environmental Change: Past Present Future
Anthropogenic climate change is perhaps the biggest challenge facing humanity in the 21st Century. However, to understand the significance of predicted climate change and its implications, we need to place this in the context of how climate and environments have changed in the past.
Geographical Information Systems
The aim of this module is to provide students with a sound understanding of the theory and application of GIS in a manner relevant to their field of study and potential future employment
The Catchment: Summit to Sea (Optional)
The catchment can be considered the fundamental building block of landscape, and this module develops an integrated understanding of the processes that shape catchments from local and global scales.
Culture, Identity, and Place (Optional)
This module enables you to examine and analyze complex relationships between culture, identity, and place. The extent to which these relationships influence people’s geographical experiences will be examined using critical and creative approaches.
Rural Economy and Society (Optional)
The aims of this module are to allow you to investigate in depth the functioning of rural areas as regards their economy and society, and to explore how these two interrelate with the wider natural environment.
Habitats and Ecosystems (Optional)
You will investigate the interactions within and between ecosystems together with the influence of stakeholders on the management of such habitats. The influence of access and other legislative processes will be considered on the development and resulting habitats through a series of field visits.
Year Three
This module provides an opportunity to develop research skills and gain valuable experience in project management and research dissemination. A key component of all research is considering who the intended audience is, and how the findings will be disseminated.
Researching Environmental Change: Field-course
Allows you to critically explore an aspect of the key geographical issue of environmental change within a field trip. You will spend two days engaging in introductory tutor-led context and fieldwork, before designing, executing, and reporting a small research project during the field course.
Science and Politics of Climate Change
Evaluating climate culture will lead to an exploration of how we can most effectively respond to this challenge at local to global scales within multiple environmental contexts.
Creative Cultural Geographies (Optional)
This module provides you with the opportunity to examine critically and creatively what it means to be a cultural geographer. It interrogates geographical practices, methodologies, and approaches to the (re)production, maintenance, and transformation of cultural worlds.
Upland Resource Management (Optional)
The aim of this module is to critically evaluate the complex relationships between resource users and managers in upland environments. We will also have an opportunity to discuss the effectiveness of some solutions and design our own for a known area.
Cold Environments (Optional)
The cryosphere is one of the most sensitive (and influential) elements of our global climate system, responding to, and driving rapid climate changes. This module aims to give you an advanced understanding of the processes and explore the broader significance of the cryosphere for humans and Earth.
Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing (Optional)
The aim of this module is to provide students with the skills and knowledge to plan and implement projects using GIS and remote sensing to solve issues in the fields of conservation and natural resources management.
Aquatic and Catchment Resource Management (Optional)
This module aims to provide you with an opportunity to undertake an independent piece of in-depth research into a topic of your choice that is related to the fields of animal conservation science and conservation biology.
Contemporary Global Conservation (Optional)
Studenten zullen de toepassing van ecologische processen binnen de context van natuurbehoud en duurzaamheid kritisch evalueren. Waar mogelijk wordt de module in een context aangeboden om specificiteit, pragmatisme en diepgang mogelijk te maken.
How You Will Be Assessed
Gedurende je hele programma worden je theoretische kennis en praktische vaardigheden beoordeeld via een reeks methoden. Deze kunnen het volgende omvatten:
- Veldwerk- en laboratoriumrapporten
- Rollenspel om situaties uit de echte wereld te simuleren
- Essays of rapporten
- Groepswerk.
Aan het begin van het jaar worden de beoordelingsroosters online gezet. Voor sommige beoordelingen is individueel werk vereist, terwijl voor andere het werken met klasgenoten in kleine groepen vereist is.
Programma resultaat
On This Course You Will...
- Studeer aardrijkskunde aan de University Of Cumbria in het Lake District, de enige universiteitscampus van Groot-Brittannië op een UNESCO-werelderfgoedlocatie - een onverslaanbare natuurlijke omgeving die je in staat stelt je diploma aardrijkskunde te behalen.
- Krijg les van ervaren en gepassioneerde docenten, die je aanmoedigen om te leren door te doen.
- Toegang hebben tot up-to-date technologie die wordt gebruikt op de moderne werkplek, inclusief geavanceerde geografische informatiesystemen en teledetectie.
- Leer grote mondiale uitdagingen en lokale problemen zoals kleinschalig overstromingsbeheer op te lossen, waardoor uw probleemoplossende vaardigheden worden vergroot.
- Ga op opwindende excursies en duik in kansen uit de echte wereld terwijl je samenwerkt met topwerkgevers, om je netwerk te laten groeien en onschatbare praktische ervaring op te doen!