BSc (Hons) Mathematics
Lincoln, Verenigd Koninkrijk
3 up to 6 Years
Full time, Deeltijd
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Ontdek Lincoln waar ter wereld u ook bent
Onze webinars, masterclasses, vraag- en antwoordsessies en panelgesprekken met studenten zijn een geweldige manier om te ontdekken hoe het is om te leven en te studeren aan de University of Lincoln .
Mathematical and problem-solving skills are highly valued by employers in a range of sectors, including science and technology, government, and finance.
This research-informed degree aims to provide a fundamental education in the field of mathematics, including pure and applied mathematics. Students can work alongside academic staff on challenging projects, which could contribute to academic research or collaboration with the industry.
The School of Mathematics and Physics aims to provide a friendly, approachable culture for students to join, and students are encouraged to apply imagination, creativity, and rigour to the solution of various problems.
"This information was correct at the time of publishing (July 2023)"
Programma resultaat
How You Study
This course covers the core topics of mathematics. It aims to provide a thorough grounding in analytical and numerical methods, practical scientific skills, and research techniques. Additionally, students are encouraged to develop transferable communication, problem solving, and decision-making skills throughout their studies. Students will have the opportunity to study a broad range of mathematical topics, comprising both compulsory and optional modules.
Modules are delivered using various methods including lectures, seminars, problem-solving classes, tutorial classes, and workshops. In the first year students can benefit from an additional three hours per week of problem solving tutorials. There are also opportunities to take part in individual and group projects.
Tijdens het eerste jaar van het programma hanteert de School voor Wiskunde en Natuurkunde een tutorsysteem, waarbij wekelijkse tutorsessies van een uur in kleine groepen worden aangeboden.
Beurzen en financiering
Programma collegegeld
Over de school
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